Vietnam Trade Union Attended The 111Th International Labor Conference In Geneva

Thứ sáu - 20/01/2023 04:39 274 0
Vietnam Trade Union Attended The 111Th International Labor Conference In Geneva
Vietnam Trade Union Attended The 111Th International Labor Conference In Geneva
Vietnam Trade Union Attended The 111Th International Labor Conference In Geneva
Some proposals to the ILO
The Vietnam Trade Union delegation led by Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Phan Van Anh (second from right) at the Conference.
The Vietnam Trade Union delegation led by Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Phan Van Anh (second from right) at the Conference.

As an important annual event of the ILO, the 111th  ILC's agenda focuses on discussing many important issues related to the world of work, in which the focus is on promoting social justice, just transition towards a sustainable and inclusive economy, quality vocational labor policies and social security systems.
Attending the conference, trade union organizations around the world expressed their interest and hope that they and the ILO would promote comprehensive, complete and effective labor protection mechanisms through strengthening International labor standards on wages, working hours, maternity benefits, employment security, labor inspection, occupational safety and health, elimination of discrimination, on the basis of respect for human rights and fundamentals in labor, contributing to the successful implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Decent Work Agenda.
Speaking at the plenary session of the Conference, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Phan Van Anh shared the positive results the Vietnam Trade Union has achieved in its efforts to promote and improve working conditions, income and life for union members and workers, contributing to realizing the country's goal of "Rich people, strong country, democratic, fair and civilized".
In his speech, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Phan Van Anh proposed that the ILO continue to focus on promoting building peace and fairness in the world of work; paying attention to promoting green growth, decent work and just transition, leaving no one behind, towards an environmentally sustainable economy and society;
Promoting the implementation of ILO international labor standards, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of workers on the basis of listening to the voices and actual conditions of member countries, and strengthening dialogue to resolve disagreements and arising cases;

Promoting technical assistance and experience sharing for member countries towards social justice, building an inclusive and comprehensive social security system and ensuring a fair transition for all;

Connecting countries, social partners, businesses and international brands to contribute and participate responsibly in promoting social justice.

“Social justice for everyone”
Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Phan Van Anh spoke at the Conference.
Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Phan Van Anh spoke at the Conference.

Within the framework of the 111th  ILC, the 2023 World of Work Summit with the theme "Social Justice for All" will be held from June 14-15th with the participation of many senior leaders from many countries, as well as specialized agencies of the United Nations, international organizations, business and labor associations... have promoted the important role of social justice in creating a world more equitable and sustainable development, and discuss strategies to strengthen and unify collective action to promote social justice and ensure policy alignment.
This is the premise for the ILO to call for the establishment and launch of the Global Alliance for Social Justice.
The 111th  ILC is an important forum, demonstrating the determination of trilateral partners and ILO member countries when many new initiatives and major issues related to workers are given attention and discuss.
In particular, the Conference approved a new Recommendation on Quality Apprenticeship and a document on adjusting some contents of 15 international labor standards after occupational safety and health were added to the framework of ILO on rights and basic principles at work.
While attending the Conference, the Vietnam Trade Union delegation had many sideline bilateral contact activities with international trade union organizations and partner national trade unions.
Through exchanging information, sharing experience in trade union activities and promoting cooperation and solidarity to together represent and better protect the legal and legitimate rights and interests of union members, workers in each country.

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